First week of law school has been going pretty well.
Last night I did like five hours of homework.
I took a study break and turned to my arch nemesis, the television. I can seriously watch movies or silly shows for hours before I realize what I've done. I was thrilled to see that Hocus Pocus was on. That is one of my favorite moves.. OF ALL TIME!!! That paired with the chill in my house and my hankering for potato soup made me long for fall.
Just a little over a week until football starts, and I head to San Diego.
I'm getting more and more excited for the trip.
Back to law school though, since that is what I should be blogging about.
Five hours last night, and maybe three tonight.
I feel like I really don't know much but that I'm catching on decently. May mean I'm doing something wrong, but at least I have time to figure it out.
Turns out every class this semester is judged only on the final exam at the end of the semester that is graded anonymously. Kinda freaked me out and had a little mini melt down with my mom tonight.
The schedule at U of A is a little weird. We have the same classes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday then another set on Wednesday and Friday. That means a whole new set of classes tomorrow, but I'm kinda excited.
Norvell is the only professor that everyone is terrified of. He seems to call on people and be very harsh when the answers are incorrect. I've heard he does this to prepare the students for less than favorable judges we may encounter during our career.
Since it's the first week I'm taking it all in stride and enjoying what I can.
Like a "free" tshirt for buying student season tickets to the hog games, and free burgers for lunch from some campus thing. (Not so effective I might add).
Oh, another bit of good news, I won a free i-pod loaded with a first year help program from BarBri.
It may be cheesy (Jeff) but I was/am excited.
Hope everyone has a great next few days!!!!!!
Favorite Place in the World

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
I wanna rock right now. . .
First official day of law school today.
I'd say it was pretty good; made it on time, had all of my assignments done.
It definitely felt like sixth grade again:
I had a locker I used again.
I had class with the same people all day.
I brought my lunch in a cute lunch box.
I had to run across the street in front of the bus to get home.
I've been doing homework for a while now so I'm taking a study bread.
I have to admit it feels sooo much like fall; I can hardly wait!
I'm sitting here watching Hocus Pocus, had some awesome
garlic cheddar biscuits with mac and cheese, and I'm wearing my favorite pants
ever. (U of A work out pants)
Can't wait for football season... WOOOO PIG SOOIE!
I'd say it was pretty good; made it on time, had all of my assignments done.
It definitely felt like sixth grade again:
I had a locker I used again.
I had class with the same people all day.
I brought my lunch in a cute lunch box.
I had to run across the street in front of the bus to get home.
I've been doing homework for a while now so I'm taking a study bread.
I have to admit it feels sooo much like fall; I can hardly wait!
I'm sitting here watching Hocus Pocus, had some awesome
garlic cheddar biscuits with mac and cheese, and I'm wearing my favorite pants
ever. (U of A work out pants)
Can't wait for football season... WOOOO PIG SOOIE!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I've learned a lot in my twenty two years.
I'll never stop learning, and that's a good part of life.
However I think its important to share with other people
so that maybe the life lessons will be easier, and possibly less painful.
1. You, and every other person you know, pays for the mistakes of others.
(Examples: Welfare, I don't have children or plan to but through taxes I contribute. Relationships, if someone has hurt your friend or you in a relationship the next person to come along will inevitably bear the brunt. School, if someone cheated on a test the test will be harder to cheat on in the future.)
2. All good things are a double edged sword.
(Examples: Good grades, you will be held to a higher standard and have harder assignments. Great friends, make the worst enemies. Trust someone, and you give them the power to destroy you.)
3. When you feel like you have a problem, don't always rely on your friends. They can make your mountains look like silly mole hills. (Positive and negative)
4. Your friends and family are the only ones who will listen to you most of the time. (even if they don't really want to )
5. Cherish every minute of every good thing you have. (You don't know how long it will last, and its better to not waste the time you have worrying about the future.)
6. Plan ahead. (While worrying isn't good, neither is being completely blindsided by events that can shake your foundations).
This is a random list, and its been whats on my mind the past day or so.
In law school news:
Orientation is officially over.
On the second day we learned how to brief a case, which is good seeing as how we already have homework.
For contracts there is simple reading.
For LRW (Legal Research and Writing) we have a packet to read, which is actually not too bad although I broke out the dictionary for a few terms.
And for another class I'm working on briefing a few cases in preparation for Wednesday.
Made decent money today at work, and I think I'm going to drink tonight.
Love y'all.
However I think its important to share with other people
so that maybe the life lessons will be easier, and possibly less painful.
1. You, and every other person you know, pays for the mistakes of others.
(Examples: Welfare, I don't have children or plan to but through taxes I contribute. Relationships, if someone has hurt your friend or you in a relationship the next person to come along will inevitably bear the brunt. School, if someone cheated on a test the test will be harder to cheat on in the future.)
2. All good things are a double edged sword.
(Examples: Good grades, you will be held to a higher standard and have harder assignments. Great friends, make the worst enemies. Trust someone, and you give them the power to destroy you.)
3. When you feel like you have a problem, don't always rely on your friends. They can make your mountains look like silly mole hills. (Positive and negative)
4. Your friends and family are the only ones who will listen to you most of the time. (even if they don't really want to )
5. Cherish every minute of every good thing you have. (You don't know how long it will last, and its better to not waste the time you have worrying about the future.)
6. Plan ahead. (While worrying isn't good, neither is being completely blindsided by events that can shake your foundations).
This is a random list, and its been whats on my mind the past day or so.
In law school news:
Orientation is officially over.
On the second day we learned how to brief a case, which is good seeing as how we already have homework.
For contracts there is simple reading.
For LRW (Legal Research and Writing) we have a packet to read, which is actually not too bad although I broke out the dictionary for a few terms.
And for another class I'm working on briefing a few cases in preparation for Wednesday.
Made decent money today at work, and I think I'm going to drink tonight.
Love y'all.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Officially a Law Student Now.
I just finished law orientation. Now for the Student Bar Association picnic, which should be a blast.
I'm actually quite ready to start. And to relax for my last weekend before school starts.
I'm getting a head start on the relaxation by meeting with Andrew, who is my protoge :-).
Orientation was pretty boring, but we actually learned a few interesting things.
Along the way I had some really odd thoughts. I figured I'd share all the notes that I
took during the past few days.
There are A LOT of balding men in this room.
TOO early not to be able to move around.
What do I wanna do/ where do I wanna go?
Bill Clinton, can I just have your life?
Yay, free therapy!
Check reasons you can't be licensed in Arkansa
Bill and Hillary were both professors here
I'm so glad I'm used to parking on campus
Exam Soft Session
Civics: = Tolley= torture!
FERPA hold?
High incidence of depression
stream of consciousness
I wonder if anyone else is this bored
I loved Dr. Webb, why doesn't she teach law?
I wish I was telekinetic.
Fucking douces getting rid of subsidized loans
I miss rush and ADPi at MSU
Bar association
Only work 20 hours
this guy talks really slow and dry like well done steak
I'm broke out, of course. Damn Stress!
Research projects are still not my strong suit.
I Need a suit
I love jason's Deli, but now I want their salad bar, YUMM!
People who say yummo bug the shit out of me.
Am I a bad person?
I miss Purple Pecker
Don't think anyone is smarter than you
Russia, don't think I want to go to Russia
Reference librarians - seem like cool dudes
If the library is short staffed they should just hire me.
I'm nervous about dinner, what if I'm not classy enough?
I need new/more make-up.
I should pay more attention
Getting dinner invites reminded me of bid day.
I feel like I should have a masters degree already.
Josh doesn't have a masters.
Josh looks like he lost weight.
Multiple min in blue = good. Men in purple = not so much.
I prefer the public library its extremely nice.
15 minute grace period for study rooms
I MISS YOU.. i'll never tell.
Paranormal Activity 2 tonight, who wants to join
NO FUNIONS! They smell like feet!
RESPECT find out what it means ot me
My head hurts *BIG YAWN*
Card access to the library- go home after midnight
U of A Law will ge rid of viruses and malware for you.
Fabolus- I can spell I swears it.
I need a back up hard drive or sd thingy
Oppotunities - can I work in Jamaica??? no seriously!
common sense and sanity - necessary for law? I'm screwed.
Yeah.. that was actually just the first day.
I may post links to my actual class notes.
But that would be way later, after I figure out how to do things.
I have a little bit more homework, but nothing bad.
I'm ready for a good time!
I'm actually quite ready to start. And to relax for my last weekend before school starts.
I'm getting a head start on the relaxation by meeting with Andrew, who is my protoge :-).
Orientation was pretty boring, but we actually learned a few interesting things.
Along the way I had some really odd thoughts. I figured I'd share all the notes that I
took during the past few days.
There are A LOT of balding men in this room.
TOO early not to be able to move around.
What do I wanna do/ where do I wanna go?
Bill Clinton, can I just have your life?
Yay, free therapy!
Check reasons you can't be licensed in Arkansa
Bill and Hillary were both professors here
I'm so glad I'm used to parking on campus
Exam Soft Session
Civics: = Tolley= torture!
FERPA hold?
High incidence of depression
stream of consciousness
I wonder if anyone else is this bored
I loved Dr. Webb, why doesn't she teach law?
I wish I was telekinetic.
Fucking douces getting rid of subsidized loans
I miss rush and ADPi at MSU
Bar association
Only work 20 hours
this guy talks really slow and dry like well done steak
I'm broke out, of course. Damn Stress!
Research projects are still not my strong suit.
I Need a suit
I love jason's Deli, but now I want their salad bar, YUMM!
People who say yummo bug the shit out of me.
Am I a bad person?
I miss Purple Pecker
Don't think anyone is smarter than you
Russia, don't think I want to go to Russia
Reference librarians - seem like cool dudes
If the library is short staffed they should just hire me.
I'm nervous about dinner, what if I'm not classy enough?
I need new/more make-up.
I should pay more attention
Getting dinner invites reminded me of bid day.
I feel like I should have a masters degree already.
Josh doesn't have a masters.
Josh looks like he lost weight.
Multiple min in blue = good. Men in purple = not so much.
I prefer the public library its extremely nice.
15 minute grace period for study rooms
I MISS YOU.. i'll never tell.
Paranormal Activity 2 tonight, who wants to join
NO FUNIONS! They smell like feet!
RESPECT find out what it means ot me
My head hurts *BIG YAWN*
Card access to the library- go home after midnight
U of A Law will ge rid of viruses and malware for you.
Fabolus- I can spell I swears it.
I need a back up hard drive or sd thingy
Oppotunities - can I work in Jamaica??? no seriously!
common sense and sanity - necessary for law? I'm screwed.
Yeah.. that was actually just the first day.
I may post links to my actual class notes.
But that would be way later, after I figure out how to do things.
I have a little bit more homework, but nothing bad.
I'm ready for a good time!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Its Been a Good Few Days.
The F button on my computer is sticky, just thought I'd get that out of the way.
Sunday was the first day I've spent with my family in FOREVER. Went to
lunch with my mom and sister, then to CosmoProf for supplies to highlight hair,
and finally to Sam's. Sam's happens to be one of my least favorite places in the world,
but it was a quick trip so not a total disaster.
My grandma (Meme) came over to have her hair highlighted, so we all sat around and
talked for a good long while.
The conversations made me realize that my family and I are completely different, and
I do mean completely. We see eye to eye on very few issues, but I guess that is what makes
the world go round?
My family day ended with a side splitting laugh fest of a dinner with my mom and sister. I literally
was in tears. I love that most of the time we spend together we can laugh and enjoy each others company.
After dinner, off to the casino with a fabulous companion.
First casino trip ever, and I'd have to say I'm not really impressed.
I lost like fifteen bucks, and the drinks were super cheap. I did
have fun getting to drink and smoke with some one I liked, and it
was nice to go just for the experience.
Yesterday (Monday), I intended to be productive. We went to Springdale to attempt
to sell a head unit, and then on to U of A to get parking passes for the school year.
One would think that the University would have come up with a better system to
obtain parking passes at this juncture, but alas they have not. Quick lunch at Chik-fil-A
and off to Wally world to buy car smelly goody stuff. Now that my car is clean I feel
like it needs to smell amazing at all times. Home for a quick nap and to watch Bones,
then off to a seven and a half hour crazy shift at work.
I'd call that a few good days. I'm sure today will be just as great.
Cleaning up around the house, attempting to clean out my car *although the rolling thunder makes me think that is a long shot. Then hanging out with el jeffe.
My life may not be perfect, but I do love it.
Oh and I miss Eric Gene Berry and wish he would come visit me.
Same goes for my dad, I'm sorry you aren't enjoying your city but hopefully you can come down before too long.
Sunday was the first day I've spent with my family in FOREVER. Went to
lunch with my mom and sister, then to CosmoProf for supplies to highlight hair,
and finally to Sam's. Sam's happens to be one of my least favorite places in the world,
but it was a quick trip so not a total disaster.
My grandma (Meme) came over to have her hair highlighted, so we all sat around and
talked for a good long while.
The conversations made me realize that my family and I are completely different, and
I do mean completely. We see eye to eye on very few issues, but I guess that is what makes
the world go round?
My family day ended with a side splitting laugh fest of a dinner with my mom and sister. I literally
was in tears. I love that most of the time we spend together we can laugh and enjoy each others company.
After dinner, off to the casino with a fabulous companion.
First casino trip ever, and I'd have to say I'm not really impressed.
I lost like fifteen bucks, and the drinks were super cheap. I did
have fun getting to drink and smoke with some one I liked, and it
was nice to go just for the experience.
Yesterday (Monday), I intended to be productive. We went to Springdale to attempt
to sell a head unit, and then on to U of A to get parking passes for the school year.
One would think that the University would have come up with a better system to
obtain parking passes at this juncture, but alas they have not. Quick lunch at Chik-fil-A
and off to Wally world to buy car smelly goody stuff. Now that my car is clean I feel
like it needs to smell amazing at all times. Home for a quick nap and to watch Bones,
then off to a seven and a half hour crazy shift at work.
I'd call that a few good days. I'm sure today will be just as great.
Cleaning up around the house, attempting to clean out my car *although the rolling thunder makes me think that is a long shot. Then hanging out with el jeffe.
My life may not be perfect, but I do love it.
Oh and I miss Eric Gene Berry and wish he would come visit me.
Same goes for my dad, I'm sorry you aren't enjoying your city but hopefully you can come down before too long.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Carne Asada Burritos!
I confess... one of my many guilty pleasures in life is finding small hole in the wall bars and eateries, and then enjoying the hell out of them. On the menu today is El Burri
Work tonight at four, then hopefully something fun. :-)
to in Centerton.
Oh my good sweet baby Jesus, half the menu is misspelled and half the store is a market
featuring everything from dried peppers, to cheese, and Mexican candies.
The real delight can be found on the last page of the menu, Mr. Burtio is a massive burrito
stuffed full of your choice of meat (carne asada for me) topped with cheese sauce, pico,
lettuce, and occasionally avocados!
For lunch Shae, my sister, and I shared a burrito with an order of white cheese dip.
We have a bag full of chips, and containers of both salsa and white cheese dip left over
and we are both suuuupppeeerr full!
Everyone should give it a try sometime, you won't be disappointed. *unless you're Jeff and you want San Diego style Mexican food.
I feel semi-productive today. All of my calendars are currently synched,
I went for a nice bike ride this morning, straightened up the kitchen, organized my
school junk, and got lunch. Then again I've been up since six this morning, no freaking
clue why.
Now I'm vegging watching Sponge Bob Squarepants (yes, another guilty pleasure is watching cartoons on Nickelodeon)
I'm starting to freak a little bit about next week, and going back to school.
I've finally decided that everything will be ok, but I still freak about new things.
Work tonight at four, then hopefully something fun. :-)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Bored, Just Bored.
There is nothing to really do in this town.
I find that extremely depressing considering that I
start school in less than two weeks. I want to have an adventure,
or at least to something fun before I have to sell my soul.
If you can't tell I'm really not looking forward to going back to school.
I've never been the type that like learning. I see it as means to an end,
but as far as being in class and following a curriculum, I get far too bored
and need something to stimulate me.
I had a blast last night though. Went muddin with Jeff and got the truck all dirty.
Came home and chilled for a while before going out to dinner. Olive Garden, I
must confess is nowhere near as good as Carrabba's. We picked the tactical option
and used a gift card though, free food is always better right? Came home just in time to
spend about half an hour sitting in the back of the truck in the middle of a field drinking
a few beers and watching the lightning, enjoying the nice cool breeze. We made it
into the truck just in time to avoid the downpour that ensued.
I loved hearing the rain all night, made for a much better morning.
I find that extremely depressing considering that I
start school in less than two weeks. I want to have an adventure,
or at least to something fun before I have to sell my soul.
If you can't tell I'm really not looking forward to going back to school.
I've never been the type that like learning. I see it as means to an end,
but as far as being in class and following a curriculum, I get far too bored
and need something to stimulate me.
I had a blast last night though. Went muddin with Jeff and got the truck all dirty.
Came home and chilled for a while before going out to dinner. Olive Garden, I
must confess is nowhere near as good as Carrabba's. We picked the tactical option
and used a gift card though, free food is always better right? Came home just in time to
spend about half an hour sitting in the back of the truck in the middle of a field drinking
a few beers and watching the lightning, enjoying the nice cool breeze. We made it
into the truck just in time to avoid the downpour that ensued.
I loved hearing the rain all night, made for a much better morning.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Crazy Lazy Days.
For the past week I have been receiving packages containing the chains that will for the next semester bind me. This is the current result. Five books have arrived and there are still quite a few to go. I have to admit it is extremely daunting to think about.
Today has been an odd, odd day.
Woke up to a less than wonderful morning, but hey it tends to happen, especially when people choose to do things that are less than intelligent and logical. Easy to get over.
Decided to go to Fayetteville with my sister. She had to drop off some scholarship papers and I needed a
new student I.D. I have a tendency to loose those little buggers on a regular basis.
In high school I lost at least three. I lost my original Missouri Sate ID and now I've lost my original U of A ID.
It just makes me sad that now the ID cards are hideously UGLY. When I purchased the original it featured the picture of a razorback and the usual info. Now they are completely different (pictures to come later).
Fayetteville was a smoldering 104 degrees today when we braved the streets. We picked the absolute worst time to take a trip. In Bentonville, only thirty minutes away, a storm broke loose and it poured, by the time we returned the storm was over. Sad day, but at least it feels nice enough to walk outside without blocks of ice tethered to the body with multiple fans blasting in your face.
Thanks to the rain, I'm off to go mudding with Jeff. :-) Great times.
Today has been an odd, odd day.
Woke up to a less than wonderful morning, but hey it tends to happen, especially when people choose to do things that are less than intelligent and logical. Easy to get over.
Decided to go to Fayetteville with my sister. She had to drop off some scholarship papers and I needed a
new student I.D. I have a tendency to loose those little buggers on a regular basis.
In high school I lost at least three. I lost my original Missouri Sate ID and now I've lost my original U of A ID.
It just makes me sad that now the ID cards are hideously UGLY. When I purchased the original it featured the picture of a razorback and the usual info. Now they are completely different (pictures to come later).
Fayetteville was a smoldering 104 degrees today when we braved the streets. We picked the absolute worst time to take a trip. In Bentonville, only thirty minutes away, a storm broke loose and it poured, by the time we returned the storm was over. Sad day, but at least it feels nice enough to walk outside without blocks of ice tethered to the body with multiple fans blasting in your face.
Thanks to the rain, I'm off to go mudding with Jeff. :-) Great times.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Here We Go
Fifteen days until school starts.
I've never written a blog, but hey why not?
I figure if nothing else I'll be able to look back
and see how crazy my year has been.
This summer has probably been the best I have experienced, and it was full of all sorts of fun and new experiences.
- I met some awesome people I'm having a blast with.
- I went on a cruise to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Grand Turk, and St. Thomas.
- I started working a job that I'm quite fond of (Mellow Mushroom)
- There are many more but those would have to be the highlights.
I love the life I'm living and I can't wait to see what is in store for me.
I also really hope there is a big storm in the coming weeks, Arkansas is hot and the land could really use it.
I've never written a blog, but hey why not?
I figure if nothing else I'll be able to look back
and see how crazy my year has been.
This summer has probably been the best I have experienced, and it was full of all sorts of fun and new experiences.
- I met some awesome people I'm having a blast with.
- I went on a cruise to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Grand Turk, and St. Thomas.
- I started working a job that I'm quite fond of (Mellow Mushroom)
- There are many more but those would have to be the highlights.
I love the life I'm living and I can't wait to see what is in store for me.
I also really hope there is a big storm in the coming weeks, Arkansas is hot and the land could really use it.
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